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The ranking symbols are assigned to members, who got 10 or more evaluations.
Here's the ranking:

White lily()  =  10 to 49 evaluations
Grey lily()  =  50 to 99 evaluations
Blue lily()  =  100 to 499 evaluations
Yellow lily()  =  500 to 999 evaluations
Green lily()  =  1.000 to 4.999 evaluations
Red lily()  =  5.000 to 9.999 evaluations
Violet lily()  =  10.000 to 24.999 evaluations
Turquoise lily()  =  25.000 to 49.999 evaluations
Light blue lily()  =  50.000 to 99.999 evaluations
Gold lily()  =  100.000 or more evaluations

All evaluations are counted, no matter if it is a positive, neutral or negative evaluation!

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Last actualization: 10/22/2024 - 10:50 am Servertime
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