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Help & Information - Sell

Information about Selling
When you are selling items you have to pay attention to our Conditions to Sale and rules. Always remember that when you sold an item it is a legally binding contract between you and the buyer.

Starting an auction:
When you start an auction please pay attention to our rules. All items you are offering have to be deliverable! Starting an auction is free, you aren't charged any Insertion Fees!

Advanced Selling Options
There are more advanced selling options at your disposal which you can be charged for, independent of the selling result:

Fat Writing
Your auction is presented in fat writing.

Colored Background
A colored background is used for your auction.

Uploading Picture
Up to 12 pictures with a max size of 1600 pix width per picture and per auction can be used. Only "JPG" formats are allowed.

For more attention, subtitles will be visible in the categories and the auction itself.

Gallery Pictures
Within the chosen categories a thumbnail of the first uploaded picture will be shown. Otherwise a small blue star sign is shown.

Auction as Highlight in the Category
In the chosen category your auction is shown as a Highlight sorted by the expiry date. So your auction will appear on top as a "Highlight Auction of this Category" close to expiry date.

Auction on the Start Site under Highlight Auctions
Additionally on the startsite your auction will be visible under "Highlight Auctions". Those auctions will be shown randomly at least once under "Hightlight Auctions" on the start site. Clicking on "All Highlight auctions..." every "Highlight Auction" sorted by expiry date can be seen.

Auction as Premium Auction with Picture on the Start Site
Your auction with a picture will be shown on the Start Site. Max. 12 auctions of the "Premium Auctions" will be shown randomly at least once here as well. Again by clicking on "All Premium Auctions" every Premium Auction will be shown sorted by expiry date.

Complete Advanced Selling Option Bundle
This bundle contains:
- Fat Writing
- Colored Background
- Gallery Pictures
- Auction as Highlight in the Category
- Auction on the Start Site under Highlight Auctions
- Auction as Premium Auction with Picture on the Start Site
When choosing this option you will only be charged for this one.

If you have to close your auction for any reason before it closes normally, there will be 2,00 € fees for doing that.

After the auction is closed:
Afterwards the still following sales commissions result with successful sales (see Fees).
After the auction is closed you will receive an email with all neccessary data for the transaction. Please contact the buyer within 3 days. The transaction should not take longer than 3 months. After the transaction is done please leave a feedback to rate the seller. Doing that you help other members to see if the seller is trustworthy or not.

If you want to link your auctions at best-antiques.com please use the following link:


Please replace "YOUR-MEMBERNAME" with your membername and pay attention to the case sensitivity of it.
If you have a space within one member name, you must replace it with the control characters "+" (without the quotes).

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Last actualization: 10/22/2024 - 10:50 am Servertime
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