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Category: Military / from 1919 - 1945 / Badges, awards & documents - Original
Ehrenkreuz für Witwen am Band vom Hersteller 12 R.V. Pforzheim
Item number: 105825

Current bid: 20,00 EUR
for 22,00 EUR
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Time left:
37 days, 10:28:46
Duration:  60 days
Ends:  28.11.2024
Start time: 29.09.2024 22:55:15

History: 0 bids (20,00 EUR starting bid)
Highest bidder:

Item location: Lehre, Deutschland
Seller information
Seller: betty2012 (43)
Member since: 26.06.2018 in Deutschland
Private seller
Feedbacks: 100,0% positive Evaluations
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  • The Seller takes over the full responsibility for this item.
    If you have any questions about this item, please contact the seller before bidding.
    Biete ein Ehrenkreuz für Witwen am Band vom Hersteller 12 R.V. Pforzheim im guten Zustand an.

    Condition of the item: See Description
    Warranty: Authenticity warranty
    (The seller guarantees unlimited for the genuineness of this item and grants a sale or return within 30 days from the day of shipping)
    Payment type: Cash Payment, PayPal, Money Transfer
    Shipping: Buyer carries forwarding charges, Dispatch international (worldwide)
    Shipping costs: 1,60€

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    Buy-it-now-Price: 22,00 EUR
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